Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Icon Analysis

Contemporary Icons


Image result for nfl
The National Football League
Image result for Apple
Apple Company Logo

Image result for starbucks
Starbucks Coffee Logo

These three icons, The National Football League, Starbucks Coffee, and Apple Company are household names and American icons in every sense. The National Football League is known throughout our culture as a premier entertainment source. America is and has been, in love with sports for generations. The NFL's logo is known as the "shield", a symbol of strength, righteousness, and power. The logo is drenched in patriotic red, white, and blue - the same colors we associate with being American.

The Apple company logo is timeless. From the start of the company in the late 70's through today, not much has changed. Not much has changed either with the company's vision and ingenuity. From schools, to private residences, the the people walking down the street - phone in hand, the Apple logo is recognized. The Apple logo is as much a part of our culture as anything else and most likely will continue to be for generations to come.
 Starbucks coffee is not only delicious, but probably one of the most recognized logos in the food service industry. The Starbucks logo is a symbol of relaxation, satisfaction and - free wifi!

Personally, all three icons mean a great deal to me. I love football, specifically the Cleveland Browns. I tend to become slightly depressed during the off season and always look forward to early fall. It is sort of bitter sweet though. True, it is the start of football season but also the symbolic end of the summer. Football gives me something to look forward to every week and especially motivates me to finish my schoolwork before Sunday. 

I love my phone - an extra BIG iPhone 6 plus. When smartphones first started to become popular I used several models of the android platform. I got my first iPhone a few years ago, an iPhone 4s. Every since I have been a huge fan of apple. The operating system is different in a lot of ways but it is also easier to use. This is one of the many reasons Apple has become so popular among its users.

Starbucks is relatively new to me although they have been around for quite some time. Years ago, you really only heard about Starbucks - in the news or by word of mouth. In the last few years the company has seen significant growth in number of locations. There is almost a Starbucks on every corner. There is a reason. They have high quality, amazing products and their coffee is great! I had my first cup of Starbucks coffee nearly two years ago and I am a huge fan. Their logo is iconic because of its recognition and relationship with their customers.


  1. Hello Matt,

    Great Post I agree that especially is America the NFL is probably the most watched league, are are not alone that at the end of football season, depression kicks in, it happens to a lot of us big sports fans. Even thought I'm not a fan of Apple or Apple products, it is true that in today's society that you are most likely to find more iPods and iPhones that anything else. It would be hard to go anywhere in America and not see one or even two Starbucks on the corner. In the neighborhood that I grew up in there were 4 less than a mile between them.

  2. I love your choices, wish I had thought of a few of them myself. I have to be honest I'm not a big football fan but there is no doubt the icon is well known. I never really paid much attention to the fact that it is "drenched" in red, white and blue, but you are correct it is very patriotic. Even a non-football fan like myself easily recognizes this icon.

    The Apple icon is the one I wish I had thought of myself. When you see the icon on an electronic devise you know you are see a high quality and highly technological device. Great choices.
