Sunday, February 22, 2015

What is Popular Culture?

What is Pop Culture?

Popular culture is the culture of the people. It is movies, clothing styles, art, music, or anything else our culture adopts as popular. Popular culture changes throughout time. Some things fade while others last lifetimes.

What does popular culture mean to me?

To me, popular culture means the roots of my mid-late teen years. This is often what I think of in regards to popular culture because it was such an influential time in my life. As with most humans, this is the time we are the most impressionable.

How is pop culture relevant in my present and my future?

Pop culture is ever changing. It is relevant to my personal life as well as my professional life. An understanding of what is popular better helps us all to understand what makes society work. A good understanding of present and future pop culture will help us all integrate into society.
Pictured is the iconic 80's band Guns N Roses who became wildly popular during the mid-late 80's

What would I consider pop culture and why?

The "Hair and Metal" bands of the 80's were more than just music. They were a form of rebellion by this generation. The music icons started a whole generation of clothing and hair styles, tattoos and bad habits. Many people of this generation not only listened to the music but want to "be" these artists. Still to this day, many of these 80's "hair bands" are still popular. There music seems to become timeless. Below are a few other iconic bands from this time period.
Metallica band members (left to right) Kirk Hammett, Lars Ulrich, Jason Newstead, and James Hetfield
The band members from AC/DC from their 1980 album "Highway to Hell"
Metallica's 1986 album "Ride the Lightning"


  1. Hi Matthew,
    Great choice of an artifact! Pop culture is absolutely influential and will continue to be. I am a big fan of music. Also, a fan of AC/DC. Though I am in my early 20's, I have always had an appreciation to the music before my time. To me, it spoke either a positive message or was telling you it is alright to be yourself. The music in my generation is negative and portrays bad images of the artist. Once the artist starts a trend, everyone wants to follow. That is not always a good thing to me. Thanks for a good read. This was a great blog!

  2. I love this blog! I have worked in the music industry and it is true, the bands from the 80's are still popular. I love how the song by AC/DC, Back in Black, has taken over Chevy commercials. Bands like Motley Crue, Warrant, Tesla, and Ozzy are still doing shows. I have seen so many bands come and go but the 80's were an era that I hope will always be around. I am 42 and I had the picture you picked for your blog on my wall. Actually my walls were plastered with posters of all the bands you had pictures of and many more. I went to my first concert at the age of 16 and from there on it was a love of my life. I love how you can still find t-shirts of all these 80's bands because they did make a difference in music and I'm so happy I was a teen to experience it. Thanks for taking me back to a great time!
