Sunday, March 1, 2015

Theories and Analysis - 80's Metal/Hair Bands

            Some of the theories that apply to 80’s hair bands are they are wild and out of control. The perception of these bands of this era was they were womanizers, drug addicts, violent, and lacking good judgment. While some of these descriptions may be true, they may not be true of every band or member of a band during this time period.

Image result for social deviance examples
Sociology - Labeling Theory
            A culture is made up of many differing parts of society. These parts tend to change or be influenced by events, opinions or feelings. Culture can be influenced by politics and the economy. Many of these bands during this time period were influenced by the remnants of the 60’s and 70’s. Heavy drug use, free love, and a recent war in Vietnam turned the opinions and feelings of the young population. This resulted in a product of rebellion in the 80’s. As with any type of subculture, this type of music and the people who followed it were looked upon as deviant.

The insights I gain from this topic can be applied to the present and future. Culture and societies change and differing subcultures present themselves all the time. This leads me to believe that it is cyclic and repeats itself. Subcultures may differ in different generations, or they may resurface from time to time. Another insight I have gained is that not all subcultures are actually deviant. There are many successful people who were a part of this 80’s subculture who have been highly productive members of society. This will most likely be true for any subculture we view in the present as being deviant. We should not pass judgment so quickly and embrace our differences.

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