Friday, March 20, 2015

Conventions, Inventions, and Formulas

Many of the conventions I have analyzed in 80’s hair/metal bands are the actual convention of a “band”. The definition of “Band”, according to is a group of instrumentalists playing music of a specialized type. This can be seen as a convention of this genre of music based on the years preceding. Much of our music in the late 19th/early 20th century was based on a one person band. Much of the jazz musicians of the early 20th century played alone.  

Image result for Poison 

Conventions of this genre of music would also include the idea of a lead singer, which also has been true of other genre of music. The lead singer gives identity to a band or a face to the band’s name. Often, the lead singer of this genre of music is of the male gender.
Inventions in the genre of music are much easier to identify. With many of the bands in the 19th and 20th centuries, they have portrayed a professional appearance. Suit and ties and dress slacks were common place. The 80’s hair bands genre produced a wildly different looks and feel. Leather, ragged clothing, and bright colors dominated the style of clothing worn by these bands. They grew their hair long and often wore make-up which is a stark contrast to any other genre of music before them. The last and most striking invention of this genre is the heavy use of electric guitars and synthesized music. This created unique sound and perpetuated their style.
 The formula for this genre can be seen as a sibling to the rock music of the 50’s and 60’s coupled with the drug use, free love, and nomadic type of lifestyle on the 70’s and early 80’s. During these earlier decades, much of the inventions of the hair band genre were flirted with. This included the occasional use of synthesized music. The right combination of convention and invention ultimately led to this timeless genre of music.

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